Procter & Gamble is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to address key business challenges/opportunities. The following innovation brief(s) will provide a high-level overview of specific business goals and needs, as well as a high-level overview of what they are looking for in a solution.
If you would like to submit a solution, please reply directly to this opportunity posting AND go to the P&G Innovation Brief Response Form – – and complete the form with the requested information.
Submission Detail:
Brief Name: Sustainable Manufacturing & Supply Chain Technologies
Business Background:
P&G is one of the largest most advanced global manufacturing organizations in the world and is continually pushing the development and implementation of innovative technologies. The P&G supply chain and manufacturing organizations have fully embraced sustainability and made the following commitments as part of its Ambition 2030 program. Goals include:
Business Challenge / Needs Definition:
P&G is looking to explore technologies that drive sustainability in P&G’s manufacturing and supply chain operations at industrial scale with a focus on equipment, information systems, and organization. There are four key focus areas for this challenge shown below.
Corresponding solution/technology domains
1. Cost effective renewable thermal energy at industrial scale
Innovative solutions to generate thermal energy (hot air & steam) at industrial scale in a cost-effective way such as:
2. Emerging technologies for automated monitoring of factory air emissions
Innovative solutions for the continuous monitoring of common air pollutants in industrial emissions such as:
3. Innovative ways to filter, sanitize and re-use water in the finished product or manufacturing processes
Innovative / emerging approaches that help with next generation filtration and membranes at an industrial scale
4. Alternative ways to up-cycle low value mixed waste and reduce the need for waste incineration
Innovative recycling alternatives to incineration for challenging, low value mixed waste streams
P&G is looking for sustainability solutions for these supply chain focus areas. If you have ideas and supporting technologies that you believe can help deliver disruptive solutions to this challenge in any of the areas highlighted above, we want to hear from you.
Where there is a good fit, we are looking to drive agile in-market pilots with the goal of scaling successful solutions. All ideas and submissions will be fully reviewed.
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