If you would like to submit a solution, please go to the P&G Innovation Brief Response Form http://bit.ly/2yRFZXB to complete their form with the requested information, AND submit here and we'll try to to help you get status on your application.
Business Background:
P&G is looking for solutions to improve their process efficiencies with their premix production. The current premix process consists mainly of dumping and agitating the powder and the solvent. During this process, the powder may not always flow well into the rotary valve due to caking issue in the bags, therefore causing a clog into the rotary valve. The caking issue may also cause a flow stop, not allowing the powder to feed into the rotary valve. Currently, there is no existing solution to notice a flow stop or a clog in the dumping sequence other than the operator physically present to monitor the flow accumulation.
Business Challenge / Needs Definition:
P&G is looking for partners and solutions that can help improve their premix production process, specifically resolving clogging/caking issues during the industrial process of powder dumping. P&G sees an opportunity to simplify their efforts by introducing auto-monitoring and remote alarm systems to observe if there is a flow stop during the dumping sequence due to clogging, so that their operators are freed up to handle other tasks at the same time. With such a system in place, the operator would be remotely informed if troubleshooting is needed. P&G is also open to other solutions to resolve this issue other than an auto-monitoring and alarm systems. P&G is specifically looking for partners and solutions that are able to execute pilots in the Asia, Middle East & Africa region.
Initial areas of interest for scoping:
Below are some example areas of interest, but the business is open to other creative responses:
The desired outcome is a pilot or partnership with P&G to show proof of concept (POC) of the solution. If successful, the pilot solution or partnership could lead to a longer-term relationship across multiple markets.
The Ask:
P&G is looking for partners and solutions that can support premix production efforts and be able to execute pilots in the Asia, Middle East & Africa region. A start-up submission doesn’t need to provide the entire end to end solution but can solve for part of it. If you have ideas and supporting technologies that you believe can help deliver disruptive solutions to the challenge highlighted above, we want to hear from you. Where there is a good fit, we are looking to drive agile in-market pilots with the goal of scaling successful solutions. All ideas and submissions will be fully reviewed.
Disclaimer: MIT Startup Exchange can make introductions that ideally provide open ended discussions in order to share mutual interests and potentially create common ground that incite the parties to collaborate. MIT Startup Exchange introductions may eventually lead to mutual partnerships, but that is not in any way guaranteed by MIT, MIT Corporate Relations, MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) or MIT Startup Exchange, which takes no responsibility for these outcomes and no formal part in such discussions following our introduction. MIT Startup Exchange and its activities and events are not for purposes of soliciting investment or offering securities.