Aizawa Concrete is a nearly 85 year old Japanese company that is looking to modernize the construction industry. In order to create a digital revolution in construction, we think it is necessary to develop a system for creating a virtual world that accurately represents a physical space in the real world. We are already in the process of developing such a system, but will need some help along the way. In order to create accurate digital reconstructions, we will need to address the high cost associated with purchasing and operating current LiDAR systems. We also need to create a streamlined process for creating and updating point cloud models from the data collected. We believe this technology has the potential to change the world, so please contact us if you have expertise in any of the following:
Responsible unit is Aizawa Designers and Architects Collective. For more information, please visit their website:
Pilot projects over the coming 6 months are a likely next steps for startups that meet our criteria.
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