If you would like to submit a solution, please go to the P&G Innovation Brief Response Form of your choice to complete their form with the requested information, AND submit here and we'll try to to help you get status on your application.
Brief #1: Accelerate Testing of Polymers for Biodegradability & Sustainability
P&G is looking for new methods of testing polymers for their biodegradability that accelerate the current testing process from 30+ days (with current methods described below) to weeks/days, to speed up the innovation cycle of biodegradable polymers in efforts to achieve P&G's commitment to sustainability. Where there is a good fit, we are looking to drive agile in-market pilots with the goal of scaling successful solutions.
For more information, and to apply, please visit this link: https://bit.ly/3kTeaRp
Brief #2: Surface Picture Analysis Capability Research
Currently, the way appearance is evaluated as products are produced is by conducting several off-line analytical methods to determine whether appearance is acceptable. The challenge here is to replace offline testing to determine overall appearance scores for the product being produced. P&G has a pool of images and associated actual appearance scores available. They are looking for solutions that can automate the offline analysis process and deliver equal appearance scores to the current time-consuming offline process. The priority objective of this brief is to able to build a system that can yield the same outputs as the current system. Where there is a good fit, we are looking to drive agile in-market pilots with the goal of scaling successful solutions.
For more information, and to apply, please visit this link: https://bit.ly/2FZLgjX
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