If you would like to submit a solution, please go to the P&G Innovation Brief Response Form of your choice to complete their form with the requested information, AND submit here and we'll try to to help you get status on your application.
P&G is looking to gather creative ideas around the concept of Zero Waste HairCare Solutions within an urban environment. Such solutions would offer a zero-waste alternate to haircare products and the formulation could evolve around liquid, cream, gel, solids, powder and others.
Relevant solution domains may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Additionally, as we focus packaging efforts to move to a Zero Waste solution, it is imperative to also recognize that the solution should deliver a delightful consumer experience that maintains the high bars of beauty standards (for example appealing looks & feel, feeling premium, provoke emotional excitement to try etc.) within the HairCare category. Key design consideration is to ensure focus areas will deliver on these requirement, as alternative solutions may require different materials, packaging reduction, different decoration/appearance and different usage experiences.
We would love to hear your ideas and supporting technologies, business and service models that you believe can deliver the actionable solutions to the highlighted challenges listed above. If there is a good fit, we would partner to drive agile in-market pilots to learn together. All ideas and submissions will be reviewed completely. We'd particularly welcome submissions from multiple parties working across the value chain, since we believe these may be more able to deliver 'circular' solutions that address the breadth and complexity of this problem.
For more information, and to apply, please visit this link: https://design.innovation-challenge.sg/problem-statement/zero-waste-haircare.html
P&G is looking for potential partners to propose unique technical solutions to general cleaning problems that today use primarily chemical means of action. With the advancements of device technology, sensors, algorithm, energy activation and connectivity, we envision a near future world where smart products/devices that amplify the efficacy of chemistry or use little to no chemistry will be part of our everyday make-up living alongside our traditional solutions. We believe that addition of energy (like e.g., light, radiofrequency, electro-magnetic fields) aside from traditional mechanical action, could enhance cleaning jobs done by consumers. P&G is therefore looking for energy amplified chemistry solutions. Target for cleaning:
Substrate for cleaning:
For more information, and to apply, please visit this link: www.pgconnectdevelop.com/needs/lifelab/
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