THK recently introduced a new IoT solution called OMNI edge, a condition monitoring AI system for industrial equipment and components. It uses our proprietary AI algorithm to detect abnormally for predictive maintenance. The current lineups for OMNI edge consist of multiple independent SaaS applications such as one for linear motion components, one for rotary equipment, and one for cutting tools.
THK is looking for a technology that allows us to easily combine these multiple applications into a single unified platform with no-code or low-code programming.
For selected startups, the scope of partnership could include any or all of the following:
Interested startups should apply directly to this opportunity by March 8, 2024.
Questions or for more information on this opportunity with THK, please contact Atsushi Matsui,
About THK
THK's creative ideas and unique technology made the company worldwide pioneers in the development of the Linear Motion (LM) Guide mechanism. Today, our LM Guide devices are an indispensable component of mechanical and electronic systems in a wide variety of industries.
THK has also developed many other unique mechanical components, including the Ball Spline, Ball Screws and Link Balls, which are manufactured by us for supply to customers worldwide.
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