
P&G Seeks to Enhance Contracting process: Disrupting SOW

Deadline: April 30, 2024

Business Background

P&G contracts many IT professional services through Statements of Work (SOW). SOWs are written by project managers, many of whom lack SOW mastery and have no time to build one. In many areas, there are no should-cost models and benchmarking data to guide the SOW creation process, which results in subjective decision-making and sub-optimized project costs.

Business Challenge:

There are many technologies that P&G sees playing together to address this opportunity. P&G is open to investigating composable architecture if there is no solution to address this opportunity in its entity. P&G is not looking for Designs only (without the ability to implement).

List of technologies and benefits to deliver to the final solution: 

-AI/ML Should cost models: Righlty priced every time and for every project.

-Gen AI Assistant: Guide with on- deman expert coaching.

-Benchmarking: Always current, continiously improving, and comprehensive.

-Automation: Seemless, connected, consistent, and compliant.

-Digital Repository: Transparent and avaialable for insights. 

Deadline: April 30, 2024
Posted on: April 5, 2024

Business Background

P&G contracts many IT professional services through Statements of Work (SOW). SOWs are written by project managers, many of whom lack SOW mastery and have no time to build one. In many areas, there are no should-cost models and benchmarking data to guide the SOW creation process, which results in subjective decision-making and sub-optimized project costs.

Business Challenge:

There are many technologies that P&G sees playing together to address this opportunity. P&G is open to investigating composable architecture if there is no solution to address this opportunity in its entity. P&G is not looking for Designs only (without the ability to implement).

List of technologies and benefits to deliver to the final solution: 

-AI/ML Should cost models: Righlty priced every time and for every project.

-Gen AI Assistant: Guide with on- deman expert coaching.

-Benchmarking: Always current, continiously improving, and comprehensive.

-Automation: Seemless, connected, consistent, and compliant.

-Digital Repository: Transparent and avaialable for insights. 


The Ask:

If you have ideas and supporting technologies that you believe can deliver disruptive services & solutions to this challenge, P&G  wants to hear/partner with you. Where there is a good fit, P&G is looking to drive agile in market activations in the US with the goal of scaling successful services & solutions. All ideas and submissions will be fully reviewed by our team.


1. Provide non-confidential information (such as a product / service description, case studies from successful implementations, reference customers, proof-of-concept proposals, etc) about how your innovation meets this need described above by April 30.

2.  Send your response detailing how your solution solves this problem to Amy Green, Director, Open Innovation NGS at

3. You will hear back you within 6 weeks of receipt of your submission.

  • The Ask:

    If you have ideas and supporting technologies that you believe can deliver disruptive services & solutions to this challenge, P&G  wants to hear/partner with you. Where there is a good fit, P&G is looking to drive agile in market activations in the US with the goal of scaling successful services & solutions. All ideas and submissions will be fully reviewed by our team.


    1. Provide non-confidential information (such as a product / service description, case studies from successful implementations, reference customers, proof-of-concept proposals, etc) about how your innovation meets this need described above by April 30.

    2.  Send your response detailing how your solution solves this problem to Amy Green, Director, Open Innovation NGS at

    3. You will hear back you within 6 weeks of receipt of your submission.

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