Procter & Gamble is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to address their broad range of sustainability challenges/opportunities. The following innovation brief(s) will provide a high-level overview of specific business goals and needs, as well as a high-level overview of what they are looking for in a solution.
Anne Kim Cofounder & CEO
Ryan Davis Cofounder
Secure AI Labs
Shreya Dave CEO
Brent Keller CTO
Via Separations
Epoch Foundation of Taiwan invite MIT-connected startups (in AI, Data Analytics, IoT, Digital Health, AR& VR, Robotics, Smart Transportation) to apply to their Global Startup Program, that since 2015, has invited 139 startups to discover business opportunities to explore global market and scale up ventures. Over 1/3 of the fellow startups had obtained business partners, investments or set up Taiwan branches through Epoch Foundation’s solid connections.