Defond is an electro-mechanical component manufacturer (over 40 years); and Original Design Manufacturer (ODM). Our main sectors include Home appliances, Automotive, Power tools, and Sensors for industrial applications, e.g., Robots and Automation. Defond serves some top global brands for each sector.
P&G is looking for a number of solutions to improve human-robot collaboration and safety. There are three distinct use cases: highly reliable object detection, deterministic localization for mobile robots, and highly reliable recognition of humans.
Tata Steel, a leading Industrial Steel Producer, is Looking for Particulate Emissions Reduction Solutions. It's interested in technologies for particulate matter control (PM 10 and PM 2.5) for outdoor environments.
Leading steel manufacturer looking for rebar coating solutions to reduce rust.
Defond is looking for new solutions that can help them to optimize power-consumption in manufacturing for environmental protection objective.
P&G is looking to drive agile in-market pilots in Europe with the goal of scaling successful services & solutions.
Rio Tinto is seeking a solution to apply a proprietary protective coating onto baked carbon anodes that are used during the production of aluminium.
Seeled Air is looking for solutions and technologies in rigid and flexible packaging. Solutions should be scalable and applicable in a commercial setting.
Select startups to explore opportunities such as joint development, proof of concept and pilot with the company.
The Cooling Solutions Challenge seeks to find groundbreaking cooling solutions, which will help communities across the country become more resilient to the threat of extreme heat.