Leading Japanese manufacturer of functional materials seeks startups for development of new applications for piezoelectric film.
Faurecia FCM Liquid Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Team seeks startup with solutions to make possible liquid hydrogen storage for mobile application.
A $17B/year global leader in automotive technologies, Faurecia is anticipating all the challenges of a changing industry. With the help of strategic partnerships with companies, start-ups and academia within an open innovation ecosystem, Faurecia technologies address two key aspects of mobility: the Cockpit of the Future for a safer, more comfortable, and more intuitive experience in the cockpit of the future, and Sustainable Mobility for cleaner and more environmentally-friendly transportation around the world. Owns more than 300 assembly lines in the US.
Leading Japanese manufacturer of functional materials seeks startups for development of new applications for “sputtering nanocarbon”.
Syngenta, a Global $13B company that produces agrochemicals and seeds, Looking for sources of dietary protein as an alternative to conventional food production
P&G Grooming is interested in exploring partners and strategies that can help them grow their first party data in a meaningful way and significantly increase the number of consumers in their database.