Matthew Decker
Global Technical Leader - Comfort and Biophysics Group,W.L. Gore & Associates
Sanjay Manandhar, Aerva Founder & CEO
Hilton Pryce Lewis, Co-founder, President and CEO, GVD Corporation
Katharine Sepp, Co-founder & CEO, Oxalys Pharmaceuticals
Dilip Sundaram - Corporate Keynote
Lightning Talks featuring startups: Enbiotix, Ginkgo Bioworks, ManusBio, Glympse Bio, BioDevek, Asimov, and BioBuilder.
John Andrews, CEO, Celect
Panel moderator: Marcus Dahllof, Program Director, MIT Startup Exchange Panelists: Caleb Harper, Director, OpenAg, MIT Media Lab Dilip Sundaram, President, Corporate, Mahindra Group - Americas Jan Schnorr, CEO, C2Sense Alan Kriz, Strategic Alliance Manager, Crop Science, Bayer Tejal Mody, Managing Director, Rabobank
Chazz Sims, Founder, Wise Systems
Joshua Feast, CEO & Cofounder, Cogito