Panel moderator: Marcus Dahllof, Program Director, MIT Startup Exchange Panelists: Caleb Harper, Director, OpenAg, MIT Media Lab Dilip Sundaram, President, Corporate, Mahindra Group - Americas Jan Schnorr, CEO, C2Sense Alan Kriz, Strategic Alliance Manager, Crop Science, Bayer Tejal Mody, Managing Director, Rabobank
Jan Schnorr, CEO, C2Sense
Alan Kriz - Open Innovation and Investment
Hilton Pryce Lewis, Co-founder, President and CEO, GVD Corporation
Vincent Ling, Senior Director, Materials and Innovation, Takeda
"A call to automate the automation," Thomas Fuhlbrigge, Global Program Manager, Next Generation Robotics, ABB
Paula Hammond, PhD, David H. Koch Professor in Engineering and Department Head, Chemical Engineering, MIT, Member of the Koch Institute of Integrative Cancer Research, and Cofounder of Svaya Nanotechnologies and LayerBio
John Andrews, CEO, Celect