Procter & Gamble is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to address their broad range of sustainability challenges/opportunities. The following innovation brief(s) will provide a high-level overview of specific business goals and needs, as well as a high-level overview of what they are looking for in a solution.
Marcus Dahllof, Program Director, MIT Startup Exchange, "Connecting industry to startups"
Alec Shkolnik, CoFounder and CEO, LiquidPiston
Hilton Pryce Lewis, Co-founder, President and CEO, GVD Corporation
P&G is looking for a number of solutions to improve human-robot collaboration and safety. There are three distinct use cases: highly reliable object detection, deterministic localization for mobile robots, and highly reliable recognition of humans.
Natalya Baily, CEO & Cofounder, Accion
James J. Collins, Termeer Professor of Medical Engineering & Science, MIT & co-founder of Enbiotix, Synlogic, and multiple other startups fostered in the Collins lab, including Sample6.
Dilip Sundaram - Corporate Keynote
Caleb Harper - Academic Innovator
Panelists include Sangbae Kim, Grant Allen, Alexander Zak, Sampriti Bhattachryya, Tom Ryden, and Maja Haji