"Slowing the aging process of aging by tweaking the body’s metabolism", Prof. Leonard P. Guarente, Novartis Professor of Biology, MIT & co-founder, Elysium Health
Nan-Wei Gong, Cofounder & CEO, figur8
Sanjay Manandhar, Aerva Founder & CEO
Ali Merchant, President and CEO, iQ3Connect
Investing in the Drivers of the Future of Energy, Ben Sampson, Director, Energy, GE Ventures
Yet-Ming Chiang, Cofounder & Chief Scientist, 24M Rick Feldt, President, 24M
Dr. Cory Kidd, Founder & CEO, Catalia Health
Matthew Osman, Legit
Sandro Catanzaro Co-Founder DataXu
Christina Qi, Partner, Domeyard LP