Selina Shen, CEO & Cofounder Bo Zhu, CTO & Cofounder BlinkAI
David Scott Cofounder & Head of Research
Winston Yan Cofounder & Head of Operations
Arbor Biotechnologies
Anne Kim Cofounder & CEO
Ryan Davis Cofounder
Secure AI Labs
David Shrier, CEO & founder, Distilled Identity
RightHand Robotics, Lael Odhner, Cofounder & CTO,
Jana Eggers, CEO Nathan Wilson, CTO & Cofounder Nara Logics
Subhrangshu Datta, CEO, CompanionMx
Panelists include Sangbae Kim, Grant Allen, Alexander Zak, Sampriti Bhattachryya, Tom Ryden, and Maja Haji