MIT Startup Exchange is convening the workshop on May 18 at 11 AM ET to showcase top emerging MIT-connected startups from our accelerator program, STEX25.
The 2024 MIT Health Science Technology Conference will highlight broad and transformative trends in biology and healthcare, including early-stage discovery, immune cell responses, diagnostics, clinical capabilities, process development, rapid and continuous manufacturing, robotics and automation, and sustainability, all enhanced by artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. Leading MIT researchers and MIT-connected startups will showcase these advances and discuss their implications for improving human health.
Startup Lightning Talks presented at the 2024 MIT Tokyo Life Science Symposium.
Early-stage startups are invited to MIT.nano to learn more about the START.nano program and explore how its state-of-the-art laboratories can support their growth.
"Trends in automotive robotics," Alexander Zak, Director Corporate R&D, Magna International
Scalable production of RNA for agriculture Andrey Zarur, Cofounder & CEO, GreenLight Biosciences Potassium fertilizer innovation Philip Wender, Managing Director, Advanced Potash Technologies Chemiresistive gas sensing for food safety Merry Smith, Senior Scientist, C2Sense Novel dehumidifying material for indoor farms Sorin Grama, Cofounder, Transaera Probiotics for plants Michael Miille, CEO, Joyn Bio [Joyn is a JV between Ginkgo Bioworks and Leaps by Bayer]
Looking for 7 startups to present their technology at Lightning Talks and Lunch Exhibit - Oct 22 @Boston Marriott Cambridge.