Panelists include Sangbae Kim, Grant Allen, Alexander Zak, Sampriti Bhattachryya, Tom Ryden, and Maja Haji
P&G is looking for solutions that can become ongoing sources of first party shopping data.
Seeking 4-6 startups to participate in the ILP Beijing Virtual Symposium on November 5, 2020.
Dr. Cory Kidd, Founder & CEO, Catalia Health
We are looking for 5-6 energy related startups to exhibit at the Showcase session of the 2020 MIT Energy Conference.
Speaker: John Greenfield, Head of Sales and BD Startup: Noya Title: Direct Air Capture Technology to Remove Excess CO2 from the Atmosphere
Title: Protecting Workers and Warfighters from Heat Injury with Wearable Technology Speaker: Roozbeh Ghaffari Co-Founder & CEO Startup: Epicore Biosystems
Sertac Karaman, Cofounder, Optimus Ride
IWC is looking to MIT for new materials for watch casings, movements and leather straps. IWC’s focus is on further improving the mechanical watch. IWC is known for using new materials in watch making.