David Knezevic, CTO, Akselos
Caleb Harper - Academic Innovator
Natalie Kuldell, President, Founder, & Executive Director, BioBuilder Educational Foundation
P&G is looking for a number of solutions to improve human-robot collaboration and safety. There are three distinct use cases: highly reliable object detection, deterministic localization for mobile robots, and highly reliable recognition of humans.
Joshua Feast, CEO & Cofounder, Cogito
Introduced by Marcus Dahllof, Associate Program Director, MIT Startup Exchange; Cliff Reid, PhD, CEO, Travera; Todd Gierahn, PhD, Cofounder, Honeycomb; Laura Indolfi, PhD, CEO & Cofounder, PanTher Therapeutics; Ulrik Nielsen, PhD, CEO & Cofounder, Torque; Jason Norris, Cofounder, Elektrofi; Patrick Stern, PhD, CEO & Founder, Sextant; Carlos Castro-Gonzalez, PhD, CEO & Cofounder, Leuko Labs; and Alec Nielsen, PhD, Cofounder, Asimov.
Austin Che Founder, Ginkgo Bioworks
Panelists include Sangbae Kim, Grant Allen, Alexander Zak, Sampriti Bhattachryya, Tom Ryden, and Maja Haji