Swiss RE Asset Management is using a reconciliation tool to perform daily and other regular/ad hoc cash and securities reconciliation (transaction and balance) between SRAM trading systems and external (custodian) banks, and also for reconciliation between internal systems within SR (trading vs accounting system). Due to the fierce market and technology competition in this field, we would like to explore who are the best reconciliation solution providers addressing our requirements.
MIT Startup Exchange is looking for 10 MIT-connected startups to present and exhibit at the MIT Japan Conference in Tokyo on Friday, January 27, 2023.
P&G is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to address key business challenges/opportunities.
Ferrovial, S.A., previously Grupo Ferrovial, is a Spanish multinational company that operates around the world involved in the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of transport infrastructure and urban services. It is launching a division on Mobility, in charge of providing solution for smart cities, from infrastructure to services to technologies (car sharing, IoT, smart city solutions). The symposium will touch on the following, among other topics: the future of mobility from the user's perspective, and infrastructures and technologies.
Early-stage backers of Rivian, JIMCO seeks MIT spin-off startups that are initiating or improving commercialization efforts across multiple industries - eg. energy, water, mobility.
Procter & Gamble is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to address key business challenges/opportunities. The following innovation brief(s) will provide a high-level overview of specific business goals and needs, as well as a high-level overview of what they are looking for in a solution.
P&G is looking for partners and solutions that provide technologies which can increase the amount of information on its products and labels.
P&G would like to partner or create a “living lab” to conduct real-time research and understand chores tensions, desires and overall drivers of habit changes across the household.