The Bristol Myers Squibb 2021 Golden Ticket Contest is a competition for the award of two Golden Tickets, which covers the cost of one 6-ft lab bench and one resident scientist fee for one year for a promising life science start-up.
Leading Taiwan ILP member Prince Group (automobile, investment, IoT) seeks collaboration in 5G software or systems.
The MIT CIO Symposium is the nation’s premier CIO event bringing together information technology executives from around the world and leading faculty from MIT.
Novelis, the world’s leading aluminum rolling and recycling company, is looking for innovative solutions that will help pioneer metal impurity removal process.
Startup Lightning Talks
MIT Startup Exchange is looking for 10 startups to present and exhibit at the MIT Japan Conference in Tokyo on Tuesday, January 23, 2024.
Tata Steel, a leading Industrial Steel Producer, is Looking for Particulate Emissions Reduction Solutions. It's interested in technologies for particulate matter control (PM 10 and PM 2.5) for outdoor environments.
Garage+ is looking for startups working on AI & Data Analysis, IoT & Smart Devices, Digital Health, CarTech, 5G Technology, Robotics, Smart Energy and more!