How can P&G enable consumers to do radically more with radically less water and energy use? How can we make invisible use of water & energy visible, right at the point of use? How might we particularly address the triangle of tension that exists between improving sanitization, reducing water & energy, whilst keeping the feeling of abundance of using water?. From incremental evolution to product innovation, easy-retrofit water-infrastructure changes (taps, faucets, showerheads, etc.) and water appliances that aim at both reducing (hot) water and re-using/purifying/enriching (hot) water, we want to partner!
P&G Latin America has a common objective of driving an innovation mindset to solve the most important business challenges related to sustainability. This has been declared a priority for the company and its business units in LATAM which have already defined clear strategies and metrics and are looking for innovative solutions to support their vision and goals.
Elbit America, a fast-growing defense company, is seeking technology partnership with startups in digital transformation, sonar / acoustics, HSA/DM, sensors, augmented reality, artificial intelligence / machine learning, optics, non GPS dependent precision north finding & non GPS dependent precision navigation and timing, precision Line of Sight (LOS) sensing, optical communications, and advanced video and image processing.
Introduced by Marcus Dahllof, Associate Program Director, MIT Startup Exchange; Cliff Reid, PhD, CEO, Travera; Todd Gierahn, PhD, Cofounder, Honeycomb; Laura Indolfi, PhD, CEO & Cofounder, PanTher Therapeutics; Ulrik Nielsen, PhD, CEO & Cofounder, Torque; Jason Norris, Cofounder, Elektrofi; Patrick Stern, PhD, CEO & Founder, Sextant; Carlos Castro-Gonzalez, PhD, CEO & Cofounder, Leuko Labs; and Alec Nielsen, PhD, Cofounder, Asimov.
James J. Collins, Termeer Professor of Medical Engineering & Science, MIT & co-founder of Enbiotix, Synlogic, and multiple other startups fostered in the Collins lab, including Sample6.
Adam Paxson, CEO; Annica Blake, COO; David Borrelli, CTO Dropwise Technologies
Sertac Karaman, Cofounder, Optimus Ride
P&G is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to address key business challenges/opportunities.
Austin Che Founder, Ginkgo Bioworks