Centrly: Personalized market intelligence for corporate innovation teams
Alexander Kerman Director of Business Development and Partnerships, Syntegra
Michael Angelo Gangemi Co-Founder, Mesophase
Arturo Torres Arpi Acero Founder & CEO, Ventagium
Grant Gunnison Founder & CEO, Zero
Mapping the physical world, wirelessly
Fadel Adib; Founder & CEO, Cartesian Systems
Desalination made easy. Fresh water on demand
Bruce Crawford; CEO, NONA Technologies
Reinventing financial planning for properties
Marc Tamres, CEO, HomeRun IQ
UbiCept: Revolutionary computer vision to see in the dark and other challenging environments
Speaker: Stwart Peña Feliz; Co-Founder & CEO Startup:MacroCycle Title: Circular Plastics. Zero Carbo