Active dates:

April 4, 2022 - April 4, 2022
STEX25 Participation:
April 4, 2022 - December 31, 2024
Company information
Elevator Pitch

Elevator Pitch

Nth Cycle is a metal processing technology company. Their clean, modular electro-extraction technology helps battery recyclers and miners upgrade waste into production-grade critical minerals for battery production.


Nth Cycle was created to disrupt the electronics manufacturing and recycling industries by changing their linear material model into a more efficient, circular one. The mission is to help transition the United States away from their reliance on primary mining and refining of metals overseas, toward the recycling of rare earth and specialty metals (e.g., Co, In, and Y) domestically from (1) the electronics and semiconductor manufacturing processes themselves, and (2) the products at their end-of-life during the recycling process, for reuse in future advanced manufacturing processes. Advanced electronics are becoming irreplaceable parts of modern life. Due to the increasing demand for these products, along with the global movement toward alternative energy sources, reliance on the foreign metals that these products rely on has reached 100%. Nth Cycle has developed a recycling technology to reclaim these materials from manufacturing and recycling streams to create a new source of metals
Technology Description

Technology Description

Demand for critical minerals to power the energy transition is growing exponentially. Yet, we know mining deeper and broader, and building landfills higher and wider, works against our fight to save the planet. At Nth Cycle, we see the path forward. We believe all the critical minerals needed for the energy transition are already in circulation today. We just didn’t have a clean, profitable way of retrieving them, until now.