6.22.22-Showcase- John-Fernandez

Startup Exchange Video | Duration: 39:58
June 22, 2022
  • Video details
    Accelerating consequences of climate change are occurring during what some consider to be a new age of imagination – partly characterized by the advent of the fourth industrial revolution. Evidence of this convergence can be found in the multiple incubators and accelerators with a growing portfolio of climate startups. Coupled to the fact that our world’s environmental challenges require the capacity and resources of industry, we are starting to see the emergence of an era of climate machines. Conceived of by a new generation of paradigm-shifting inventors and engineers and enabled by AI, advances in the life sciences and new materials,  climate machines are emerging as the answer to the question of how to make a better world. Fernandez will describe the work of the MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative and offer several examples of climate machines and the startups that are driving their emergence.
  • Video details
    Accelerating consequences of climate change are occurring during what some consider to be a new age of imagination – partly characterized by the advent of the fourth industrial revolution. Evidence of this convergence can be found in the multiple incubators and accelerators with a growing portfolio of climate startups. Coupled to the fact that our world’s environmental challenges require the capacity and resources of industry, we are starting to see the emergence of an era of climate machines. Conceived of by a new generation of paradigm-shifting inventors and engineers and enabled by AI, advances in the life sciences and new materials,  climate machines are emerging as the answer to the question of how to make a better world. Fernandez will describe the work of the MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative and offer several examples of climate machines and the startups that are driving their emergence.