P&G is looking for startups to help delivering more useful/delightful consumer experiences via next-generation digital advisor ecosystem.
Epoch Foundation of Taipei Taiwan has invited MIT-connected startups to apply to their Global Startup Program. A number of MIT startups have participated in this program and found it very productive.
Gerdau logistics team is looking for solutions that can help them with outbound logistics, demand planning and supply chain.
This year’s theme will be built around ensuring the durability of the energy transition in the face of future unknowns.
Karl Koster welcomes attendees to Robotics workshop.
Evonik wants to experience new innovative ideas to broaden the application field of VESTENAMER® and enter new markets with this product.
We are looking to partner with experts to find, develop, and validate selective solutions that can target and efficiently remove targeted constituents from mine-influenced water (MIW) to enhance water recovery, reduce residual wastes, and the recovery of resources to generate new revenue streams and offset closure costs.
John Andrews, CEO, Celect
Rana el Kaliouby, CEO & Cofounder, Affectiva