Startup Lightning Talks - 2022 MIT Health Science Technologies Conference The Future of Cell & Gene Therapies
The Trusted AI Coauthor for Innovative Industries Katie Trauth Taylor CEO and Cofounder, Narratize
The Chief Digital Officer of new ILP member, Nexa, will be on MIT campus from Oct 9-10 and is interested in meeting with startups for collaborations on digital technologies for the firm.
Join Sandler trainer and consultant Joe Ippolito on May 18 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM ET for a free workshop on developing your sales tactics.
The MIT Startup Exchange team is seeking startups to present at the Startup Lightning talks of MIT’s Leading Edge Webinar - Computationally-Assisted Materials Discovery, taking place on Thursday, April 10, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET (hyperlink). We are looking for 5 startups working on machine learning, AI, computational data science, advanced materials, nanotechnology, quantum materials & computing, and semiconductors to present at the webinar.
We have never been closer to cracking cancer. MIT Startup Exchange, in collaboration with the MIT Koch Institute, is convening the 2nd annual Cracking Cancer event to discuss the latest advances in cancer innovation from the perspective of industry, academia, venture, and startups in the MIT ecosystem.