Introduced by Marcus Dahllof, Program Director, MIT Startup Exchange
THK, a global leader in manufacturing, is seeking startups to solve several manufacturing challenges to improve quality, cost and throughput of our products.
P&G is seeking ideas and supporting technologies to deliver disruptive services and solutions for price digitalization and price governance to improve communications with suppliers, buyers, operations and supporting systems.
Looking for 8 Startups to Speak on Oct 13 at 2021 MIT Digital Technology and Strategy Conference: Accelerating Success Through Industrial Digital Transformation (followed by Startup Lunch Exhibit).
MIT innovation, entrepreneurship, and industry collaboration have significantly impacted innovation economies around the world. What exciting new innovations are emerging from the MIT startup ecosystem? How will the latest technology trends affect your business? MIT Startup Exchange, an integrated program of MIT Corporate Relations, and LG Ventures are hosting a startup showcase featuring innovators in software, healthcare, energy, advanced manufacturing, and the internet of things.