Rio Tinto seeks sensing technology solutions for environmental monitoring and waste streams characterisation.
We are looking to partner with experts to find, develop, and validate selective solutions that can target and efficiently remove targeted constituents from mine-influenced water (MIW) to enhance water recovery, reduce residual wastes, and the recovery of resources to generate new revenue streams and offset closure costs.
Break Through Tech AI is a new program to bridge the talent gap for women and underrepresented genders in computing fields.
BHP’s vision is for a water-secure world by 2030. Water is an essential resource for BHP’s production and operations.
Join MIT Sloan Lecturer Miro Kazakoff on Wednesday, September 25 from 1:00pm to 2:30pm for a free workshop on developing your sales tactics, from generating urgency to asking questions to reaching the close.
P&G is looking to partner with companies and emerging disruptors to address key shopper and retailer pain points in urban to deliver a breakthrough experience which disproportionately drives P&G brands.
Speak at 2023 MIT Digital Technology and Strategy Conference - Startup Lightning Talks and Lunch Exhibit - Oct 25.
MIT Startup Exchange is seeking several startups to participate in the ILP The New Retail Series on November 12, 2020 (11 AM to 12 noon).
Verifiable Work Credentials Generate Trusted Data Natalie Gil CEO, Darshana