There’s been growing interest from industry for materials innovation from MIT and MIT-connected startups. Corporates are asking for materials of increased performance, reduced cost/weight, or reduced carbon footprint. This MIT Startup Webinar on Materials will feature Chris Schuh, former head of MIT’s Materials Science and Engineering Department, giving a quick overview of materials innovation at MIT and current challenges in materials research, followed by lightning talks by MIT startups in advanced materials & formulation and sustainable materials and packaging. Then we’ll have a Q&A and discussion with the MIT startups on how they can work with corporates to solve some of their materials challenges.
P&G is looking for startups to help delivering more useful/delightful consumer experiences via next-generation digital advisor ecosystem.
Leading critical environment air quality management company looks for startups in two applications to address market needs resulting from COVID-19.
1. Airborne particulate matter counting and identification
2. New Air Disinfection and Monitoring Technology
Xinterra pioneered the combined use of high throughput experimentation and artificial intelligence applied to materials, seeking efficient approaches to overcome slowness, high costs and overall limitation to innovation imposed by traditional materials R&D processes. Buonassisi will discuss Xinterra's combined use of high throughput experimentation and artificial intelligence applied to materals.
Natan Linder, Founder, Tulip
Max Kanter, Cofounder & CEO, Feature Labs