The MIT Startup Exchange is looking for 4-6 MIT-connected startups to present and exhibit at the 2019 MIT Paris Symposium, November 8, 2019. Each selected startup will have ~3 minutes to present a lightning talk on a science-based technology they are bringing to market, including one compelling use case.
The 2024 MIT Health Science Technology Conference will highlight broad and transformative trends in biology and healthcare, including early-stage discovery, immune cell responses, diagnostics, clinical capabilities, process development, rapid and continuous manufacturing, robotics and automation, and sustainability, all enhanced by artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. Leading MIT researchers and MIT-connected startups will showcase these advances and discuss their implications for improving human health.
Elbit America, a fast-growing defense company, is seeking technology partnership with startups in digital transformation, sonar / acoustics, HSA/DM, sensors, augmented reality, artificial intelligence / machine learning, optics, non GPS dependent precision north finding & non GPS dependent precision navigation and timing, precision Line of Sight (LOS) sensing, optical communications, and advanced video and image processing.
Defond is an electro-mechanical component manufacturer (over 40 years); and Original Design Manufacturer (ODM). Our main sectors include Home appliances, Automotive, Power tools, and Sensors for industrial applications, e.g., Robots and Automation. Defond serves some top global brands for each sector.