We are seeking start-ups or researchers focused on new sensing approaches relevant to industrial/manufacturing processes to participate in the Anglo American FutureSmart MiningTM Sensing Open Forum taking place virtually from June 9th - 17th 2021.
Epoch Foundation of Taiwan invite MIT-connected startups (in AI, Data Analytics, IoT, Digital Health, AR& VR, Robotics, Smart Transportation) to apply to their Global Startup Program, that since 2015, has invited 139 startups to discover business opportunities to explore global market and scale up ventures. Over 1/3 of the fellow startups had obtained business partners, investments or set up Taiwan branches through Epoch Foundation’s solid connections.
"Enabling a carbon-free economy through advanced Materials Science"
Daniel Sobek, Co-Founder & CEO, 1s1 Energy
Applications deadline: November 1
Synthetic Biology Workshop 2017 - Panel Discussion
Epoch Garage + is delighted to announce that the “Startup Global Program-- F23 Batch” is now open for application
MIT Startup Exchange is looking for 3 startup speakers for the MIT-Aalto Symposium in Finland, which will take place on Tuesday, April 26.
MIT Startup Exchange is seeking several startups to participate in the ILP The New Retail Series on November 12, 2020 (11 AM to 12 noon).