Turning Methane Emissions into Carbon Negative Fuels Emmanuel Kasseris Co-Founder and CEO, Emvolon
Speaker's name: Yaniv Altshuler Title: Using AI to reduce cows methane emission Company: Founder & CEO
Johnson Matthey (JM) is looking for clean air solutions applicable to Oil & Gas wells, agriculture, biomass/waste gasification.
P&G is seeking innovative chemistry to help us reduce impact in the use phase (superior performance in cold water) and/ or ingredients with positive/ neutral carbon footprint impact.
Leading mining company Rio Tinto seeking solutions to capture and reuse underground heat, contributing towards powering equipment needed to cool operations.
Daikin’s Open Innovation Lab invites startups of all stages and from all over the world to submit ideas and insights to collaborate and help develop solutions that can provide HVAC services and solutions fit for the remote/hybrid working world amid the current pandemic environment and thereafter.