Lightning Talks featuring startups: Enbiotix, Ginkgo Bioworks, ManusBio, Glympse Bio, BioDevek, Asimov, and BioBuilder.
The annual MIT Startup Ecosystem Conference features 25 of the most promising startups from across MIT. These startups are all part of STEX25, an accelerator run by MIT Startup Exchange, an integrated program of MIT Corporate Relations. The conference is the MIT Startup Exchange flagship event, and is a must-attend for executives at industry-leading corporations, especially for those who work in innovation, emerging technology, corporate venture capital, and/or corporate development/strategy.
The 2024 MIT Health Science Technology Conference will highlight broad and transformative trends in biology and healthcare, including early-stage discovery, immune cell responses, diagnostics, clinical capabilities, process development, rapid and continuous manufacturing, robotics and automation, and sustainability, all enhanced by artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. Leading MIT researchers and MIT-connected startups will showcase these advances and discuss their implications for improving human health.
2019 IoT - Startup Lightning Talks
The MIT Startup Exchange is looking for 3-4 MIT startups to present and exhibit at the MIT ILP one-day Taiwan symposium (Taipei, Taiwan; Wednesday July 17, 2019). Each selected startup will present a short lightning talk on a technology-based product they are bringing to market, including at least one compelling use case. All presenting startups are expected to exhibit as well.