The overall theme is operations.
There’s been growing interest from industry for materials innovation from MIT and MIT-connected startups. Corporates are asking for materials of increased performance, reduced cost/weight, or reduced carbon footprint. This MIT Startup Webinar on Materials will feature Chris Schuh, former head of MIT’s Materials Science and Engineering Department, giving a quick overview of materials innovation at MIT and current challenges in materials research, followed by lightning talks by MIT startups in advanced materials & formulation and sustainable materials and packaging. Then we’ll have a Q&A and discussion with the MIT startups on how they can work with corporates to solve some of their materials challenges.
The 2023 MIT Asia Roadshow in Osaka presents an opportunity to learn about various MIT-connected startups across diverse industries, including Artificial Intelligence, Energy, Life Sciences, Robotics, Sustainability, and Proptech.
The agenda for the day includes a series of insightful lightning talks, exhibitions showcasing the work of innovative startups, and networking sessions with professionals from MIT-connected startups, as well as the larger industry.
The 2023 MIT Asia Roadshow in Seoul presents an opportunity to learn about various MIT-connected startups across diverse industries, including Artificial Intelligence, Energy, Life Sciences, Robotics, Sustainability, and Proptech.
The 2023 MIT Asia Roadshow in Tokyo presents an opportunity to learn about various MIT-connected startups across diverse industries, including Artificial Intelligence, Energy, Life Sciences, Robotics, Sustainability, and Proptech.
We are seeking start-ups or researchers focused on new sensing approaches relevant to industrial/manufacturing processes to participate in the Anglo American FutureSmart MiningTM Sensing Open Forum taking place virtually from June 9th - 17th 2021.
Epoch Foundation of Taiwan invite MIT-connected startups (in AI, Data Analytics, IoT, Digital Health, AR& VR, Robotics, Smart Transportation) to apply to their Global Startup Program, that since 2015, has invited 139 startups to discover business opportunities to explore global market and scale up ventures. Over 1/3 of the fellow startups had obtained business partners, investments or set up Taiwan branches through Epoch Foundation’s solid connections.
Amgen launches 2023 LabCentral Golden Ticket competition for innovative life science startups, awarding two startups with with lab space, amenities, and services.
The Dubai Police will be offering an invitation-only Q&A session for startups to learn more about their collaboration opportunities with MIT-connected startups and to explore potential partnership avenues and resources.
Amgen launches 2020 LabCentral Golden Ticket competition for innovative life science startups, awarding two startups with with lab space, amenities, and services.