Looking for 7 startups to present their technology at Lightning Talks and Lunch Exhibit - Oct 22 @Boston Marriott Cambridge.
Global Electronics Material Company Seeks Startups for Development/Distribution Partnerships in Asian Semiconductor/Display Materials Markets
P&G is looking startups to partner and/or develop novel ways to map communities with common, relevant interests and then use technology to deliver targeted content/solutions.
Evonik is looking for Battery Solutions to explore collaboration and investment opportunities.
Join MIT Startup Exchange to hear from MIT-connected startups who are focusing efforts on aspects of supply chain.
P&G is looking for startups to help delivering more useful/delightful consumer experiences via next-generation digital advisor ecosystem.
Epoch Foundation of Taiwan invite MIT-connected startups (in AI, Data Analytics, IoT, Digital Health, AR& VR, Robotics, Smart Transportation) to apply to their Global Startup Program, that since 2015, has invited 139 startups to discover business opportunities to explore global market and scale up ventures. Over 1/3 of the fellow startups had obtained business partners, investments or set up Taiwan branches through Epoch Foundation’s solid connections.
Startup Lightning Talks
Seeking 2-3 startups to participate in the ILP Healthcare Series: Approaches to Precision Medicine in Oncology on October 16, 2020.