Past Deadline: Feb 3, 2020
Swiss RE Asset Management - Reconciliation Tool
meetingSwiss RE Asset Management is using a reconciliation tool to perform daily and other regular/ad hoc cash and securities reconciliation (transaction and balance) between SRAM trading systems and external (custodian) banks, and also for reconciliation between internal systems within SR (trading vs accounting system). Due to the fierce market and technology competition in this field, we would like to explore who are the best reconciliation solution providers addressing our requirements.
Past Deadline: Aug 1, 2023
P&G Conducting Real-Time Research in Cohabitation Environments
partnershipP&G would like to partner or create a “living lab” to conduct real-time research and understand chores tensions, desires and overall drivers of habit changes across the household.
Past Deadline: Jun 15, 2020
P&G seeks startups for The 50 Lt Home - Responsible Consumption of Residential Water
otherHow can P&G enable consumers to do radically more with radically less water and energy use? How can we make invisible use of water & energy visible, right at the point of use? How might we particularly address the triangle of tension that exists between improving sanitization, reducing water & energy, whilst keeping the feeling of abundance of using water?. From incremental evolution to product innovation, easy-retrofit water-infrastructure changes (taps, faucets, showerheads, etc.) and water appliances that aim at both reducing (hot) water and re-using/purifying/enriching (hot) water, we want to partner!
Past Deadline: Jan 14, 2022
P&G Seeks Startups for Innovations in Sustainability in Latin America
partnershipP&G Latin America has a common objective of driving an innovation mindset to solve the most important business challenges related to sustainability. This has been declared a priority for the company and its business units in LATAM which have already defined clear strategies and metrics and are looking for innovative solutions to support their vision and goals.
Past Deadline: Jan 22, 2024
P&G Business Challenge: Brand Building with Communities at Scale
partnershipP&G is looking startups to partner and/or develop novel ways to map communities with common, relevant interests and then use technology to deliver targeted content/solutions.
Catalia Health
San Francisco, CACatalia Health brings together artificial intelligence, psychology, and medicine to deliver lasting change. They create effective patient engagement and generate unique data of value to customers. The cloud-based platform delivers unique conversations to patients to help address their ongoing... More - Wed, January 22, 2025 | Learning sessions
CSAIL Alliances and VMS Present: IP BOOTCAMP
MIT Stata CenterJoin the CSAIL Alliances and VMS IP Bootcamp-- Considerations for Startups, ft. Bruce Sunstein and TLO
Past Deadline: May 30, 2019
Startup Speakers for ILP Taiwan Symposium
speakerThe MIT Startup Exchange is looking for 3-4 MIT startups to present and exhibit at the MIT ILP one-day Taiwan symposium (Taipei, Taiwan; Wednesday July 17, 2019). Each selected startup will present a short lightning talk on a technology-based product they are bringing to market, including at least one compelling use case. All presenting startups are expected to exhibit as well.
Past Deadline: Dec 15, 2019
Gerdau seeks computer vision/AI Startups
meetingGerdau, a large iron & steel company, is looking for startups in Computer Vision and AI for Industry 4.0. They need to monitor with computer vision and AI/ML in the following use cases...