Ferrovial, S.A., previously Grupo Ferrovial, is a Spanish multinational company that operates around the world involved in the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of transport infrastructure and urban services. It is launching a division on Mobility, in charge of providing solution for smart cities, from infrastructure to services to technologies (car sharing, IoT, smart city solutions). The symposium will touch on the following, among other topics: the future of mobility from the user's perspective, and infrastructures and technologies.
P&G Latin America has a common objective of driving an innovation mindset to solve the most important business challenges related to sustainability. This has been declared a priority for the company and its business units in LATAM which have already defined clear strategies and metrics and are looking for innovative solutions to support their vision and goals.
P&G is seeking startups for innovative consumer experiences: 1) Making a Sustainable Lifestyle Effortless 2) AI Technologies for Digital Expert Advisors with conversational AI and hybrid human-ML, 3) Transformative Transactions including sourcing, manufacturing, distribution, and autonomous supply chain, 4) Automation of Daily In-Home Consumer Tasks, and 5) Enabling Breakthrough Growth for Omnichannel Brands.
Senior executives from TOTAL will be visiting MIT from Oct 8-10 for the purpose of exploring potential partnerships with MIT startups. The goal of October’s visit is to meet experts that can help to find the best way to enhance Data Management (DM) practices throughout TOTAL entities. Data must be managed effectively and valued to maximize its business impact. Attendees from TOTAL include Michel Lutz, Group Data Officer, and Gaile Lejay, Business analyst.
Sales Training - Session V: Decision Making
Robots inspired by animals," Sangbae Kim, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Biomimetic Robotics Lab, MIT
Procter & Gamble is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to address their broad range of sustainability challenges/opportunities. The following innovation brief(s) will provide a high-level overview of specific business goals and needs, as well as a high-level overview of what they are looking for in a solution.