P&G is looking for partners and solutions that can support the automation of quality testing and preparation process at its Feminine Care manufacturing sites.
P&G is looking for partners and solutions that can assist them to optimize their supply chain by improving their back-office operations and order-to-cash cycle through touchless order acquisition solutions. Additionally, P&G would like to understand existing best practices in the e-Commerce industry to improve their own existing processes. P&G is specifically looking for partners and solutions that are able to execute pilots in the Asia, Middle East & Africa region.
Ali Merchant, President and CEO, iQ3Connect
Introduced by Marcus Dahllof, Associate Program Director, MIT Startup Exchange; Cliff Reid, PhD, CEO, Travera; Todd Gierahn, PhD, Cofounder, Honeycomb; Laura Indolfi, PhD, CEO & Cofounder, PanTher Therapeutics; Ulrik Nielsen, PhD, CEO & Cofounder, Torque; Jason Norris, Cofounder, Elektrofi; Patrick Stern, PhD, CEO & Founder, Sextant; Carlos Castro-Gonzalez, PhD, CEO & Cofounder, Leuko Labs; and Alec Nielsen, PhD, Cofounder, Asimov.
Rana el Kaliouby, CEO & Cofounder, Affectiva
PathAI is evolving pathology using machine learning and deep learning techniques to drive faster more accurate diagnosis of disease.
2019 MIT Startup Exchange Workshop: Sustainable Materials Innovation
December 3, 2019
MIT Startup Exchange presents its December Startup Workshop, centered around sustainable materials innovation. MIT Startup Exchange works to help create partnerships between over 1,800 MIT-connected startups and industry, represented by MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) members. Today, there is a large and growing societal interest for greater sustainability in the material systems that provide for a modern life style. The call is across all industry sectors, and includes the entire value chain including raw materials, material processing, material uses, and end-of-cycle treatment/reuse. This represents a challenge and an opportunity for companies, and many MIT startups are developing and providing innovative technology and business model solutions. This workshop will present perspectives from industry leaders, academics, and corporate investors, while showcasing several MIT-connected startups in this field.