P&G Ventures is looking for solutions to help men age with vitality and live their fullest lives.
James Gado, Senior Director, MIT Corporate Relations
Interpretable AI co-founders, Jack Dunn and Daisy Zhuo
In this forum organized by Plastic Omnium with MIT, you’ll learn how generative artificial models are supporting the creation of new innovations and how emerging technologies can be adapted. You’ll also hear from experts on the impact of technology on mobility and how corporations, academia and startups can work together to tackle today’s challenges with the environment and energy transition while also offering people adapted and valuable means.
"Trends in Wellness Investments", David T. Thibodeau, Managing Director, Wellvest Capital
Panelists include Sangbae Kim, Grant Allen, Alexander Zak, Sampriti Bhattachryya, Tom Ryden, and Maja Haji
P&G is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to address key business challenges/opportunities.