Early-stage startups are invited to MIT.nano to learn more about the START.nano program and explore how its state-of-the-art laboratories can support their growth.
P&G is seeking new communication methods, new ways of engaging consumers, and ways to create novel brand experiences.
P&G is looking for startups to help delivering more useful/delightful consumer experiences via next-generation digital advisor ecosystem.
Panel moderator: Marcus Dahllof, Program Director, MIT Startup Exchange Panelists: Caleb Harper, Director, OpenAg, MIT Media Lab Dilip Sundaram, President, Corporate, Mahindra Group - Americas Jan Schnorr, CEO, C2Sense Alan Kriz, Strategic Alliance Manager, Crop Science, Bayer Tejal Mody, Managing Director, Rabobank
Leading critical environment air quality management company looks for startups in two applications to address market needs resulting from COVID-19.
1. Airborne particulate matter counting and identification
2. New Air Disinfection and Monitoring Technology
James J. Collins, Termeer Professor of Medical Engineering & Science, MIT & co-founder of Enbiotix, Synlogic, and multiple other startups fostered in the Collins lab, including Sample6.
Andrew A. Radin & Andrew M. Radin
Katharine Sepp, Co-founder & CEO, Oxalys Pharmaceuticals