Scalable production of RNA for agriculture Andrey Zarur, Cofounder & CEO, GreenLight Biosciences Potassium fertilizer innovation Philip Wender, Managing Director, Advanced Potash Technologies Chemiresistive gas sensing for food safety Merry Smith, Senior Scientist, C2Sense Novel dehumidifying material for indoor farms Sorin Grama, Cofounder, Transaera Probiotics for plants Michael Miille, CEO, Joyn Bio [Joyn is a JV between Ginkgo Bioworks and Leaps by Bayer]
James Gado - Welcome
Panel moderator: Marcus Dahllof, Program Director, MIT Startup Exchange Panelists: Caleb Harper, Director, OpenAg, MIT Media Lab Dilip Sundaram, President, Corporate, Mahindra Group - Americas Jan Schnorr, CEO, C2Sense Alan Kriz, Strategic Alliance Manager, Crop Science, Bayer Tejal Mody, Managing Director, Rabobank
Procter & Gamble is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to address key business challenges/opportunities. The following innovation brief(s) will provide a high-level overview of specific business goals and needs, as well as a high-level overview of what they are looking for in a solution.
P&G is looking to partner with companies and emerging disruptors to address key shopper and retailer pain points in urban to deliver a breakthrough experience which disproportionately drives P&G brands.
Please join us at the annual MIT Research and Development Conference: Innovating at the Inflection Point: Creating a Better World on November 15-16, 2022 to hear from MIT researchers, MIT Startup Exchange entrepreneurs, and global business leaders dedicated to innovating to create a better world.
Dilip Sundaram - Corporate Keynote
This forum will bring together senior executives with thought leaders from MIT to explore the best methods for creating and organizing corporate innovation and venturing groups. We will also discuss how the MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) helps firms engage with the world-leading thinkers at MIT who tackle humanity's most vexing challenges and the entrepreneurs who turn MIT innovations into working solutions.
Alan Kriz - Open Innovation and Investment