Epoch Foundation of Taipei Taiwan has invited MIT-connected startups to apply to their Global Startup Program. A number of MIT startups have participated in this program and found it very productive.
The ILP Research & Development Conference will select 12 startups to present in the Startup Lightning Talks and to present Startup Exhibit.
Startup Lightning Talks, featuring Humatics, Vecna, Woobo, Hydroswarm, Franklin Robotics, GeoScout, Flight Infinity
2019 IoT - Startup Lightning Talks
Murata is seeking early-stage and growth companies driven to build the future of electronics in concert with a global industry leader. Successful applicants will meet directly with key Murata decision-makers to explore various pathways to shared success.
MIT Startup Exchange presents its September Startup Workshop, centered around real-world IoT and edge computing. Many companies are grappling with how to use IoT and data/AI in their organization to monitor, predict, improve, and transform what they do. Meanwhile, many MIT startups are developing and providing innovative technology solutions to answer these very questions for industry. This workshop will present perspectives from industry leaders, academics, and corporate investors, while also showcasing select MIT startups in the field.