Einblick Analytics: The hard parts of data science made easy
The Cooling Solutions Challenge seeks to find groundbreaking cooling solutions, which will help communities across the country become more resilient to the threat of extreme heat.
MIT ILP's Annual Wuxi, China Symposium will be held on January 7, 2019 hosted by MIT and Wuxi City.
Symposium Theme & areas of interest: IoT, Advanced Manufacturing, New Energy, New Materials, Life Science, Blockchain.
Startup Lightning Talks - 2022 MIT Health Science Technologies Conference The Future of Cell & Gene Therapies
Nissan Chemical Corporation is developing new manufacturing systems of large quantities of cell spheroids for regenerative medicines and drug discoveries and are now seeking potential collaborators for development of new applications of this system.
We are seeking startups that want to design products and develop business using electric de-bonding technology.