Anurag Bajpayee, Founder and CEO, Gradiant
Sertac Karaman, Cofounder, Optimus Ride
Scalable production of RNA for agriculture Andrey Zarur, Cofounder & CEO, GreenLight Biosciences Potassium fertilizer innovation Philip Wender, Managing Director, Advanced Potash Technologies Chemiresistive gas sensing for food safety Merry Smith, Senior Scientist, C2Sense Novel dehumidifying material for indoor farms Sorin Grama, Cofounder, Transaera Probiotics for plants Michael Miille, CEO, Joyn Bio [Joyn is a JV between Ginkgo Bioworks and Leaps by Bayer]
Startup Lightning Talks, featuring Humatics, Vecna, Woobo, Hydroswarm, Franklin Robotics, GeoScout, Flight Infinity
Alan Ringvald, CEO & Cofounder, Relativity6
Natalie Kuldell, President, Founder, & Executive Director, BioBuilder Educational Foundation
Emilio Frazzoli, MIT Professor of Aeronautics & Astronautics, nuTonomy CTO
JC Gutiérrez-Ramos, President and CEO, Synlogic
"Slowing the aging process of aging by tweaking the body’s metabolism", Prof. Leonard P. Guarente, Novartis Professor of Biology, MIT & co-founder, Elysium Health
Interpretable AI co-founders, Jack Dunn and Daisy Zhuo