STEX25 Accelerator Startups - July 21
Defond is an electro-mechanical component manufacturer (over 40 years); and Original Design Manufacturer (ODM). Our main sectors include Home appliances, Automotive, Power tools, and Sensors for industrial applications, e.g., Robots and Automation. Defond serves some top global brands for each sector.
Ingersoll Rand is seeking early stage technology to commercialize, with the aim of yielding more data connectivity and performance for productivity, efficiency, and sustainability improvements.
Royal Dutch Shell, a global energy company, seeks startups for automating management of their offshore assets. They are looking to develop digital tools to reduce the cost and improve the safety of inspection, maintenance, and repair of these offshore assets.
MIT Startup Exchange is seeking several startups to participate in the ILP Webinar Series Manufacturing 4.0 (selection is on a rolling basis for Fall dates, so apply ASAP).