Elbit America, a fast-growing defense company, is seeking technology partnership with startups in digital transformation, sonar / acoustics, HSA/DM, sensors, augmented reality, artificial intelligence / machine learning, optics, non GPS dependent precision north finding & non GPS dependent precision navigation and timing, precision Line of Sight (LOS) sensing, optical communications, and advanced video and image processing.
Dubai Police would like to invite 5 MIT-connected startups to participate as part of an MIT Regional Conference in Dubai on 5-7 Mar 2024. Startups will be featured for a 5-minute presentation and will also have an exhibit booth for all 3 days of the conference.
The Dubai Police will be offering an invitation-only Q&A session for startups to learn more about their collaboration opportunities with MIT-connected startups and to explore potential partnership avenues and resources.
Panelists include Sangbae Kim, Grant Allen, Alexander Zak, Sampriti Bhattachryya, Tom Ryden, and Maja Haji