Does your startup have a solution for urgent Covid-19 needs? Ideally they should be validated to work and demonstrate feasibility to scale. And could contacts to corporates help you scale up? MIT Startup Exchange is looking to help you connect.
JC Gutiérrez-Ramos, President and CEO, Synlogic
Lightning Talks featuring startups: Enbiotix, Ginkgo Bioworks, ManusBio, Glympse Bio, BioDevek, Asimov, and BioBuilder.
Adam Paxson, CEO; Annica Blake, COO; David Borrelli, CTO Dropwise Technologies
Introduced by Marcus Dahllof, Associate Program Director, MIT Startup Exchange; Cliff Reid, PhD, CEO, Travera; Todd Gierahn, PhD, Cofounder, Honeycomb; Laura Indolfi, PhD, CEO & Cofounder, PanTher Therapeutics; Ulrik Nielsen, PhD, CEO & Cofounder, Torque; Jason Norris, Cofounder, Elektrofi; Patrick Stern, PhD, CEO & Founder, Sextant; Carlos Castro-Gonzalez, PhD, CEO & Cofounder, Leuko Labs; and Alec Nielsen, PhD, Cofounder, Asimov.