Looking for 10 startups to present their technology in lightning talks AND an additional 10 startups to be included in the lunch exhibit - November 15 @Boston Marriott Cambridge.
The ILP Research & Development Conference will select 12 startups to present in the Startup Lightning Talks and to present Startup Exhibit.
Looking for 10 Startups to Speak on November 17 at 2021 MIT Research & Development Conference: Resiliency Through Innovation (followed by Startup Lunch Exhibit).
Please join us at the annual MIT Research and Development Conference: Innovating at the Inflection Point: Creating a Better World on November 15-16, 2022 to hear from MIT researchers, MIT Startup Exchange entrepreneurs, and global business leaders dedicated to innovating to create a better world.
Nissan Chemical Corporation is developing new manufacturing systems of large quantities of cell spheroids for regenerative medicines and drug discoveries and are now seeking potential collaborators for development of new applications of this system.