Startup & Corporate Engagement, Success Cases
Looking for 8-10 startups to present their tech on May 5 at the 2022 MIT Efficient AI and Computing Technologies Conference.
Lightning Talks featuring startups: Enbiotix, Ginkgo Bioworks, ManusBio, Glympse Bio, BioDevek, Asimov, and BioBuilder.
Intel Ignite is Intel’s global growth program for early-stage, deep-tech startups. Intel Ignite is now taking applications for the newest cohort of “Ignite Boston(US): Batch #1” that kicks off this Fall.
Looking for 8-10 startups to present their tech on April 12 at the 2022 MIT Health Science Technologies Conference: The Future of Cell & Gene Therapies.
The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC) is looking for new affordable and insulating material for cooler glass doors.
Join MIT Sloan Lecturer Miro Kazakoff on Tuesday, May 14 from 1pm to 2:30pm for a free workshop on developing your sales tactics, from generating urgency to asking questions to reaching the close. This is the fifth installment of our Sales Training startup series.
Adam Paxson, CEO; Annica Blake, COO; David Borrelli, CTO Dropwise Technologies