Elbit America, a fast-growing defense company, is seeking technology partnership with startups in digital transformation, sonar / acoustics, HSA/DM, sensors, augmented reality, artificial intelligence / machine learning, optics, non GPS dependent precision north finding & non GPS dependent precision navigation and timing, precision Line of Sight (LOS) sensing, optical communications, and advanced video and image processing.
Looking for 8-10 startups to present their tech on April 12 at the 2022 MIT Health Science Technologies Conference: The Future of Cell & Gene Therapies.
MIT Technology Review’s List of 10 Breakthrough Technologies
Looking for 8-10 startups to participate on April 10 in Lightning Talks and Lunch Exhibit at the 2024 MIT Health Science Technology Conference.
The Chief Digital Officer of new ILP member, Nexa, will be on MIT campus from Oct 9-10 and is interested in meeting with startups for collaborations on digital technologies for the firm.
Desalination made easy. Fresh water on demand
Bruce Crawford; CEO, NONA Technologies